Monday, January 25, 2010

Hola From Plano!!

So i spent all day Monday saying goodbye to my family in Carrollton which was really hard for me because I'm not good at change or goodbyes but a part of me was really excited for a change after 8 months in Carrollton.. but the other part of me was sad I wasn't going to be there to get all our investigators to their baptisms.. but They will get there especially since Hermana Richardson got transfered back into Carrollton
for her last transfer in the mission. All our investigators getting baptized she didn't really teach so they will be new to her but she at least knows the area and branch. I got transfered on Tuesday morning to Plano, TX where Hermana Richardson was before so we just did a swap and swapped "greenies" in the process too. My new companion in Hermana Kleinman who has been out one transfer and is AMAZING! we get along really well and have really high goals for this area this transfer. It is in the exact opposite shape as Carrollton which means we are going to be knocking alot of doors which i haven't done in 8 months so it will be good for me right! My highlight of the week happened on Friday. It was a gorgeous day so we decided to walk some streets knocking and contacting old potential investigators. So we knocked this one door asking for a potential investigator Miguel but some lady answered the door and before we were even through our whole door contact she said.. come back tomorrow at 5pm and started closing the door. I walked away thinking it was a little strange and Hermana Kleinman and I both thought she wouldn't be there the next day. So 5 PM on Saturday rolls around and we knocked on her door, Her name is Manuela, and she invites us straight in. We taught her a solid first lesson and her eyes were wide the entiretime and just kept saying, and she answered every question right. Then we gave her a Libro de Mormon and she told us she used to
have one and the boy missionaries used to visit her but they stopped coming. She told us how she had been praying for God to show her the right way in her life and that is when we knocked at her door and she was taken off guard but that she knew God put us in her life. We sang for her and then said a closing prayer...she had tears streaming down
her face. We let the silence last for a little bit then i asked her how she felt in that moment and she said peace, happiness, hope.. I explained it was an answer from the spirit that the things we taught her are true and she jsut said, "I know." We walked out of that house and Hermana Kleinman said that was one of the best experiences she had on
her mission and i just told her Welcome to six weeks of miracles like that! I'm excited for this area and to find new solid people prepared by God. The branch here is tiny and most filled with recent converts but they are strong and so willing to fellowship and love! It should be an amazing new experience.
I also live in a members house here, Dianne and Steve Kerr... we live and study in a room in their house. It is different then having apartments with just my companion my whole mission but they are super sweet for letting us live there and are very nice people... I'm excited to get to know them better!! my new address for the next 6 weeks at
least is 3113 E. Park Blvd Plano, TX 75074.
Well love y'all so much!! Pray for us and our NEW investigators!!
con amor,
Hermana Barber

1 comment:

  1. YAY for you - you are amazing!!! You rock our world and we miss yOU!!! But we know you are where you are supposed to be. Good luck in the new area and a big missionary appropriate cyber-smmooch from all of us!


    The Hansens
